3400 MHZ EME


  I have a DEMI 144/3456 transverter and two Toshiba 20w amplifiers.  I have heard that the 
  Toshiba amps can output more than 50w by removing the voltage regualator that limits power.
  Hopefully, this will mean combining the Toshiba amps for 100w output.

  Update - Feb. 3, 2015:

  I have finished building the DEMI 3400-145 transverter and done preliminary testing:

  I am using the A32 PLL synthesized LO in place of the 184 MHz xtal LO (Micro-LOK).  Initial output on 
  1085 MHz was +3dBm, so I removed the output 10-dB pad and installed a 6-dB pad on the transverter pc
  board.  A32 now drives the x3 multiplier chain with +10 dBm resulting with +10 dBm on 3255 MHz at the mixers.

  Testing with 145.200 MHz IF input produces a maximum output of 40mw (+16 dBm) at 3400.200 MHz.
 +6dBm is maximum that I need to drive two Toshiba amps (per DL7YC - see link, below).

  Receiver has been tested only for noise rise using the LNA.  I will assemble the xtal LO board to use as a signal source.

  Transverter under construction:


  Update - Jan. 2015: 
  With the completioin of 1296 on the 4.9m dish, 3400-MHz EME will be implemented next by adding 
  a VE4MA feed built by WD5AGO, purchased at SVHFS Conference in April, 2014.  It will be installed
  on the top side of the exisiting 1296 feed with a slight offset feed angle.


  And a 300w combiner acquired from Manfred, DL7YC; Dual-band (1296/3400) Feed arrangement



  VK3NX's 3400 MHz webpage.
  DB6NA's list of stations QRV on 3400-MHz EME.
  Three articles on the Toshiba amp:
  DL7YC (13.4MB)
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